
North Carolina DoD Contractors Are Eligible for Defense Industry Online Training

Written by Laura Rodgers

DAU was created to provide the Department of Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics workforce with a professional career path and consistency of training content and opportunity. The Defense Acquisition University is a corporate university that was established by the Department of Defense (DoD). “It is an educational activity that serves as a strategic tool in providing a global learning environment to develop qualified acquisition, requirements and contingency professionals who deliver and sustain effective and affordable warfighting capabilities.”

DAU training services are extended, on a space-available basis, to other United States government affiliations, including non-DoD federal agencies, members of the defense industry (DoD contractors), and international students (Foreign Local National, Foreign Military Sales, NATO).

DAU supports the Defense Acquisition Workforce through a variety of venues from knowledge sharing resources, job support tools, research, workshops, our mission assistance program and training. DAU delivers a full range of basic, intermediate and advanced Defense acquisition training to meet all certification and assignment-specific training requirements.

The online training program is delivered asynchronously over the internet 24/7. While priority for training is with the Defense Acquisition Workforce, most DAU training is available to all Federal employees and industry professionals supporting the DoD.

DAU is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education and by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training and is authorized to provide Continuous Education Units (CEUs).

DAU offers courses in the following areas:

  • Acquisition & Management

  • Business

  • Requirements

  • Contracts

  • Earned Value Management

  • Engineering & Technology

  • Contract Administration

  • Government Purchase Card Training

  • Department of Defense Sponsored Training

  • International Armaments & Info Exchange Training

  • Federal Acquisition Institute courses and modules

  • Logistics

  • Harvard Business School Publishing (HBSP)

  • Standard Procurement System Training

To access the training, click on this link:  When you find a course you want to take, click on “apply for this course.” You will be directed to an online application. Once the application has been completed, you will receive log-in credentials via e-mail.


Raleigh, North Carolina

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